Microsoft executives rumored: Xbox One X console will support virtual reality

Microsoft executives rumored: Xbox One X console will support virtual reality

SAN FRANCISCO, June 14 (Xinhua) -- Microsoft released a new console Xbox One X on Sunday, Microsoft Xbox director Phil Spencer said in an interview, Xbox One X supports virtual reality (VR ).

Microsoft executives rumored: Xbox One X will support virtual reality

On Tuesday, Spencer accepted an interview with CNET. He said that Xbox One X fully supports VR and the company's commitment has not changed. At the Xbox press conference on Sunday, Spencer did not mention Xbox One X's support for VR, but he said that he had said that new game opportunities support VR at the E3 conference a year ago and that this position has not changed. . Last year, Microsoft had previously demonstrated a gaming machine, the so-called "Project Scorpio," when Microsoft once said that consoles support VR.

A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that the new console did not support VR, and Spencer's comments refuted the report. Spencer said he did not see the article in The Wall Street Journal.

Today, Spencer also told GameSpot that there are not many people demanding game consoles to support MR games, but he will continue to focus on user needs and may launch MR and VR games for the Xbox One X in the future.

For this issue, the Xbox team remained silent. Earlier, Microsoft Xbox, vice president of Windows company Mike Ybarra, also had an interview. When it comes to whether the new Xbox supports VR issues, Ibra'al did not deny or affirmation.

In a statement, Microsoft reiterated that the company will provide excellent MR games, but Microsoft believes that the most suitable platform for MR should be a Windows PC. (Zhongtian)

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