The large-scale non-screen TVs are released. Who will win the traditional VS innovation?

The speed of the update of the polar meters is amazing. In 2015, the three smart projection Z4X, Z4air, and Mango Xiaopin were designed for portability. The first new products will be released in 2016. From the invitation of the network transmission, it is maintained. With mystery, from the slogan: Can you be bold? Contains large scale. Does it mean that there will be a larger size and a higher lumen.

At present, in addition to the portability design, there is also a similar Z4 series of extreme meters, which is mainly used for home business use and is suitable for use in living rooms and offices.

In the extreme projection of the relative expansion of the interface is still quite rich in some brands. 3D hand gesture recognition function and trapezoidal correction are believed to remain in new products, after all, it is very practical.

In the projection effect, in the evening to see, in the case of guaranteed distance, the performance of the pole meter is still very good, if you can improve on the new product in the lumen, to solve some of the problems users use during the day.

Enough courage? Connotation large scale. What kind of surprise we expect from new products in the end.

Looking forward to the first new product launch conference in 2016, is it possible to become the new benchmark for super-screenless TV? We will wait and see!

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