How far can an operator send a box OTT?

OTT, starting from abroad, the abbreviation and abbreviation of OverTheTop, entered China in 2010, is known as Internet TV, 2011 SARFT issued 181 document, OTT popular in 2012, OTT blowout in 2013, OTT was reorganized in 2014, 2015 ....
Recently, in an education company, we exchanged ideas with the elites across the country and gave us an example. We all know what happened to Primary Three. But if the other person does not have a wife and no girlfriend, are you with him and call him a junior? Of course not called! OTT is such a thing, why should OTT? Because there is TOP, TOP is not cooperative, not open, so want to OVER it, bypass it, provide services directly to the end user.

In Internet TV, this TOP is a broadband operator, including telecommunications broadband operators, resident broadband operators and radio and television broadband operators, all of which have their own user management platforms. Before that, they had to provide services for their users. They must follow them. Cooperation, this model is "Monternet", has made a lot of money, nurturing a lot of upstarts and listed companies, and later with China Mobile, China Unicom's anti-corruption, gradually decline.

However, the enthusiasm for providing service to end users has continued to diminish, so OTT has turned out. Any Internet company, content production agency or application development company, or even terminal company can host servers in data centers and start sending or selling boxes. As long as users have broadband in their homes, they can use communism, watch TV, watch movies, watch animation, and don’t have money. Free.

Very lively, lively, fun, fun, playful, make money, don't make money, OTT hasn't found a successful business model yet, and there are few major video sites, no boxes, no client hardware costs. Profits, not to mention the OTT cost of terminal hardware, the high cost of copyright procurement and the cost of bandwidth, have burnt out the investment. The rest of the advertising has made ends meet, the user pays very little, everyone is struggling, in addition to BAT. The family's strategic layout, not afraid of burning money, the rest are like knowing to demolish the temporary cover of the temporary building, waiting for others to integrate acquisitions, anyway, can not live.

In 2015, in the OTT market, license management companies began to take the lead. Operators gathered licenses for regular boxes. Smart TVs were pre-installed with license partners before they were manufactured. Then the next step was very clear. Operators will decide the direction of this market. It has seven licensees to choose from. These operators have 200 million fixed-line broadband subscribers, more than 100 million telecommunications, 60 million Unicom, 20 million mobile, Dr. Peng more than 10 million, and radio and television around the country. Broadband accumulated more than 10 million, more than two million users renew their fees every year, the operator's security broadband box, a renewed two-year box, will become the mainstream of the future development of the box, individual users to spend their own money to buy a box, in addition to A handful of enthusiasts are few and either sent by operators or gifts from others.

There are 230 million cable TV operators, 170 million of whom have issued boxes. Some of them were issued in 2003, and some have just been issued. Within two years, the box will eventually reach 250 million. These boxes are all facing updates and upgrades. They are boxes and boxes, or give users a smart box that can be networked. The answer is self-evident.

OK, well, back to the original question, people do not have a girlfriend, you are still a junior? OTT is a non-operator's reference, and operators to carry out these businesses or OTT? Of course not! It is only operating The intelligent open platform business of the company is a continuation and upgrade version of “Monternet” and is a business application deployed on the cloud management end.

How far can the OTT go? Will he disappear? Of course not. It's just niche applications in the market segment. Like WII, PS, XBOX, etc., it is an enthusiast toy. It is also an innovative laboratory and a big market for video services. It inspires broadband operators to continuously forge ahead, change and innovate, otherwise it will continue to have new threats, and broadband operators like the BAT Big Three continue to absorb These innovations serve the end user better.

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