Collision between flexible electrons and cranial nerves: new flexible conductive composites

According to James Consulting, Klas Tybrandt, Principal Investigator at Linköping University in Sweden, has recently developed a technology to achieve long-term stable neurological records. The technology is based on a new type of elastic composite that is biocompatible and retains high electrical conductivity even when stretched to twice its original length. The research was done in collaboration with researchers from Sweden, Zurich and New York. This breakthrough discovery is critical to many applications in biomedical engineering, and the related articles are published in the prestigious scientific journal Advanced Materials.

The coupling between electronic components and nerve cells is very meaningful. It not only collects information on brain cell signals, but also helps diagnose and treat diseases such as neurological disorders and epilepsy.

It is very challenging to achieve long-term stable connection between electronic components and nerve cells without damaging neurons or tissues, because of the soft, elastic body tissue and hard, rigid electronic components, these two systems are completely Different mechanical properties.

“Because human tissue is elastic and moves, surfaces that come into contact with rigid electronic components can cause damage and inflammation. This not only causes tissue damage, but also suppresses nerve signals,” says Klas Tybrandt. (Klas Tybrandt is the leader of the Flexible Electronics Group at the Organic Electronics Laboratory at North Xueping Campus, Linköping University)

Collision between flexible electrons and cranial nerves: new flexible conductive composites

Flexible electrode in new material (Source: Thor Balkhed)

New conductive material

Klas Tybrandt has developed a new conductive material that is as soft as human tissue and can stretch twice the length. This material consists of gold-plated titanium dioxide nanowires embedded in silicone rubber. This material is biocompatible, which means it can be in contact with the human body without adverse effects, and its electrical conductivity remains stable over time.

“The microfabrication of this flexible conductive composite involves several challenges. We have developed a process for making small electrodes while also maintaining the biocompatibility of the material. The process uses very little material, which means we can Using relatively expensive materials like gold, don't worry about the cost," says Klas Tybrandt.

The electrodes were 50 μm in size and spaced 200 μm from each other. The manufacturing process allows for the placement of 32 electrodes on a very small surface. The final probe has a width of 3.2 mm and a thickness of 80 μm, as shown in the photo above.

This flexible microelectrode has been successfully developed at Linköping University and the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, and was subsequently implanted in the rat brain by researchers at New York University and Columbia University. The researchers were able to collect high-quality nerve signals from free-moving mice for three consecutive months. These experiments have been ethically reviewed and strictly followed the rules governing animal experiments.

Important future applications

"When a neuron in the brain transmits a signal, it produces a voltage. The electrode can detect and transmit this voltage through a tiny amplifier. We can see which electrode the signal comes from, which means we can judge that the signal originated in the brain. This location. This spatiotemporal information is very important for future applications. For example, we want to be able to see where the signal causing seizures begins, which is a prerequisite for the treatment of seizures. Another area of ​​application is the brain-computer interface, using nerves. Signals can control future technologies or prostheses. There are also many interesting applications, including the human peripheral nervous system and how it regulates organs,” says Klas Tybrandt.

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