Stage sound field design

Sound field design

The basic design of a sound field should include sound insulation treatment, on-site noise reduction, reasonable requirements of building structure, realization of sound uniformity, solution of sound tremor, focus, resonance, feedback, etc., and correct calculation of indoor reverberation

Jiansheng principle

Reasonable reverberation, good sound diffusivity, no acoustic focusing, no audible vibration noise, no dead sound points

Hue should not cause the meeting or performance to be too dim

Avoid large hollow or poorly supported cavity structures in the sound reinforcement area

Avoid large-area glass windows and do not install stone draft ceilings directly in aluminum alloy slots

Basic requirements for room acoustics

With proper loudness: Loudness

Auditorium (mainly language) greater than 85dB

Cabaret (concert hall) greater than 103dB

Disco is greater than 110dB

Meeting room greater than 80dB

Sound energy is evenly distributed:

The loudness of the sound heard in each seat of the auditorium should be relatively uniform. Through sound quality design, it should be able to make the sound pressure level of each area of ​​the auditorium not too different, and the unevenness of the indoor sound field should be controlled within about 3dB

Meet SNR requirements:

Noise interferes and masks people's normal hearing. The indoor noise environment for different purposes has different allowable noise levels. Generally, the signal-to-noise ratio should be greater than 30dB at the position of the minimum sound pressure level in the room.

Ensure balanced frequency response throughout the room:

The indoor audio system should ensure that the frequency response is balanced everywhere. The fluctuation within 125-4000HZ is 6--10dB, and the fluctuation within 100-8000HZ is 10--15dB. If there are acoustic defects such as acoustic focusing, dead sound point, standing wave, and acoustic resonance in the room, the frequency balance will be destroyed

Select a suitable natural reverberation time in a reasonable proportion of the building sound of the hall

L (length) W (width) H (height) Auditorium (mainly language) 1.2-1.5S

3.10 1.30 1.00 Concert Hall 1.8-2.4S

3.90 2.70 1.00 Small and medium singing hall 0.7-1.2S

Meeting room 0.5-0.8S

Calculation formula of reverberation time

a Average --- The average sound absorption coefficient in the room

S --- total internal area of ​​the sound field

M --- sound energy attenuation coefficient (0.0015)

T --- sound field reverberation time

V --- the content of the sound field

S1 --- Sn --- internal surface area of ​​sound field

Relevant standards referenced during scheme design

IEC914-Conference System-Electronic and Audio Equipment Standard

Audio conference sound reinforcement and video display system in accordance with the national industry standards of the People's Republic of China

GYJ25-86 "Requirements for Acoustic Characteristics of Auditorium Sound Reinforcement System"

CBJ232-82 "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Chinese Electrical Installation Engineering"

SJ2112 "Optimal electrical connection value for the interconnection of hall sound reinforcement system equipment"

JGB / T16-92 "Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings"

CB7401 "Regulations for subjective evaluation of image quality"

CB7401 "Regulations for subjective evaluation of image quality"

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