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a topic that is not easy
There has been a heated debate about the extent to which digital rights management ( DRM ) issues should be used in music, movies, and other digital media . From the perspective of consumer electronics OEMs , there are a few basic issues that need not be debated. First, most of the content owners will continue to adhere to the security of DRM as a precondition for the provision of quality content (premium content) to the portable electronic products [such as media players (PMP)]. OEMs also need to be prepared to prevent themselves from becoming a subject of judicial litigation when people use their products to unlock protected digital media content.
In view of the fact that the current anti-copy mechanism has been cracked, and the cracking method has been posted on the Web by hackers , the remaining tricks for OEMs are to strive to achieve more tamper-resistant security protection on their devices. When e-commerce and social networking applications are also blended in, the difficulty increases.
The above situation poses challenges to OEMs in two ways : how to attract more quality content to their devices to expand their business; and how to reduce liability exposure to avoid financial losses. Manufacturers are insisting on ways to increase the level of security of PMPs and other devices, and the benefits will go far beyond DRM applications.
Although there are many DRM programs, they need to face the same problem.
One reality faced by consumer electronics OEMs is that no single DRM solution can take advantage anywhere, and these solutions are currently not compatible. Current leading solutions include: FairPlay Ã’ ( Apple ), Windows Media Ã’ DRM 10 ( Microsoft ) and OMA ( Open Mobile Alliance ) technologies.
As content owners strive to promote the adoption of more stringent protection measures, the requirements for manufacturing DMP- compliant PMPs and similar devices are becoming more stringent throughout the industry . As a result, developers will have to take stronger measures in preventive authentication, which will ensure that only authorized devices can obtain protected media or personal data. Integrated, hardware-based security — not currently popular — is becoming essential to secure the secure exchange of private keys and keys with the goal of protecting data transfers during download and upload.
Another trend is to be seen: more and more consumers are frustrated by DRM . Such a situation is driving some content distribution service providers to try to provide content without DRM management, especially in the recording industry. Consumers and leaders in certain technology industries are also pushing the adoption of new usage models, such as being able to legally copy downloads on all devices they own.
Risk of eating a lawsuit
Provisions of the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Digital Millennium Copyright Act, DMCA) is in many ways to those involved in providing device manufacturers can obtain media content. Products sold in the United States and consumer electronics sold worldwide may be subject to certain regulations. After the DMCA was passed in 1998 , many countries have also issued similar bills.
OEMs are sandwiched between two groups: one is the content owner protected by the DMCA , and the other is the consumer who is unwilling to buy products that cannot be used in their own way. When designing consumer electronics, OEMs must in fact decide what is the fair and appropriate way to use protected content. Products that are too restrictive must not be sold well; and a product that invades digital media providers will inevitably put their manufacturers in litigation. SonicBlue is an example: its ability to skip commercial advertising and file sharing on the ReplayTV personal video recorder has been sued by several broadcasters. After eating the lawsuit, SonicBlue had to declare bankruptcy.
In order to make the business flourish and reduce risk, OEMs hope to find a way to achieve device-level security protection. Content protection is a good starting point because it is at the heart of many of the issues of current concern.
Current DRM implementation
Current security schemes are generally based on the basic idea of ​​authenticating digital signatures, which use public key cryptography to authenticate devices and encrypt digital content to protect data. This approach for a secure device means that the corresponding design provides a secure and reliable processing environment for code execution and protection of cryptographic assets such as keys.
Many DRM implementations currently protect copyright management objects (digital media content) and secret assets through software or encapsulation techniques.
Software-only implementations can be implemented based on the isolation of the operating system's secure and non-secure environments. However, these implementations are not secure because they are vulnerable to simple software attacks and hardware attacks such as using simulated hardware or code injection methods.
Using software to disrupt secret assets is another way in which existing DRM implementations are used to hide DRM keys. But memory analysis makes this technology no longer effective.
The packaging assets to the secret trusted module (trusted module) is another common approach. Although the trusted module itself may be secure, the entire platform is not secure. Hackers can steal secret assets through bus monitoring and software attacks while data goes in and out of trusted modules or when data is outside the trusted module.
The bottom line is that, whether they use software obfuscation or integration into trusted modules, existing DRM implementations do not provide sufficient protection because they are not a comprehensive, holistic approach. The whole system protection is necessary, Analog Devices Blackfin Ã’ processors provide the Lockbox Secure Technology â„¢, its corresponding flexible combination of features can be used by developers to similar products on the PMP and implement secure DRM and other protective Measures.
Blackfin Lockbox Security Technology
Regardless of whether it is DRM or other requirements, it is meaningful to consider device-level security measures on PMPs and similar products. There are three purposes for this: content protection, which ensures that quality can only be used if licensed. Content; protection of secrets such as personal data and intellectual property; identification of devices and users.
Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology is designed to enable OEMs to achieve these goals. It utilizes hardware and software components to protect the secure memory space and allows only authenticated code to control various security features.
In general, the Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology components provide the essential features developers need to meet the security needs of digital media devices.
·         Source verification  3â„4 Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology verifies a digital image by embedding a code image and prepares a process for identifying entities and data sources.
·         Integrity 3â„4 Users can use Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology 's digital signature authentication process to ensure that messages or content on the storage medium are not altered in any way. Integrity can be verified using the identification of digital signatures.
·         Confidentiality 3â„4 password encryption / decryption can serve situations where there must be an ability to prevent unauthorized users from seeing and using specific files and streams. Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology 's secure processing environment (safe mode) and secure memory support confidentiality protection.
·         Updatable 3â„4 Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology The chip-specific ID (Unique Chip ID) with a trusted DRM agent (by the OEM Procurement) combine to allow developers to implement renewability DRM system.
OTP (One-time programmable, OTP) memory Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology is used to implement one of these functional components. Its public, unprotected, user-programmable area in OTP memory is suitable for storing public keys used to authenticate the system, which should be controlled and defined by the OEM . A private, secure, user-programmable area of OTP memory allows developers to program their own private device assets (such as private keys) and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of those assets. Private, secure OTP storage is only accessible through Blackfin 's security model, which is only accessible after the digital signature verification process is complete.
The security model enables only the authenticated, trusted code in the implementation of the system to perform DRM operations or a critical subset, such as the processing of certificates or the processing of rights objects. Storage protection provides secure storage for decrypted DRM content and content interpretation keys.
What are the unique advantages associated with DRM ? By fully utilizing all the features of Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology , developers can improve non-certified quality content through a secure authentication process and continuous updating of device IDs and DRM keys that control access to digital media files. The level of protection used. The use of proprietary, secure OTP storage areas and security modes can greatly increase the difficulty of removing DRM from digital media, transforming a common device into an advanced, security-protected device.
DRM implementation method example
The following examples are given. The following figure shows how you can use Lockbox Secure Technology to implement DRM in a portable audio player . In this fictitious implementation, the DRM agent and the audio decoder have been digitally signed by the vendor, so that people can be trusted to run on a secure platform.
After experiencing the digital signature verification process (source verification and integrity), the DRM agent earned the status of " trusted code " and thus access to the protected environment (including protected OTP storage). In a typical DRM architecture, DRM utilizes a private key stored in the protected OTP store with the device to extract the content key needed to decrypt the audio content from the rights object. The content key can be securely stored in a protected data store where it is still not accessed by untrusted code. The DRM agent uses the content key to decrypt the protected DRM content and store the decrypted content in a secure data store.
Audio decoder been verified signatures in order to win the status of "trusted source". Once verified, the audio decoder is granted permission to access the protected environment. It decodes the encrypted audio content and stores the generated audio samples into protected or unprotected storage areas, depending on the requirements and available storage space.
IP , e-commerce, social networking and personal data protection
A more sophisticated approach to supporting DRM at the device level is consistent with a goal that can be achieved with Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology . For consumer electronics manufacturers, protecting their intellectual property ( IP ) protection is a priority, and Lockbox Secure Technology 's capabilities provide an effective mechanism for doing this. Lockbox Secure Technology capacity memory chip specific ID (Unique Chip ID) may allow software developers to their lock means to prevent the code being copied and multiplexing means when the person is counterfeit. OEMs can also take advantage of Blackfin 's security model to maintain confidentiality and prevent IP theft.
In addition, more optimized device authentication capabilities with Lockbox Secure Technology enable end-to-end file sharing for fully protected e-commerce and social networks. For example, an OEM can allow consumers to legally intercept samples of protected content and provide them to their friends in order to use the higher security that can be achieved at the device level.
If you use Lockbox Secure Technology for more secure key processing, you can establish a secure communication session to protect the transmission of data during the download and upload process.
OEMs also have the opportunity to protect personal data with Lockbox Secure Technology . Consumers can have greater confidence in the security of their personal data, shop on properly licensed devices or share information on their personal social networks. For example, security can be extended to include digital identity management on the device. Loss of the device does not necessarily jeopardize personal information. The authentication function protects private data from prying as long as the consumer locks the device with the appropriate password.
Just as encryption protection protocols ( SSL and S - HTTP ) were provided to PCs connected to the Internet , e-commerce began to thrive in the 1990s . Once such security authentication and processing capabilities can be enabled on PMP and similar products, one can build one. The stage allows the services and processing content that these devices can achieve to grow rapidly.
Consumer satisfaction
Go back to the topic of DRM . OEMs involved in multiple products can use Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology in their ecosystem to verify all approved devices and maintain the required copyright protection without having to separately secure each device The overhead of the ID chip. For example, this would support a usage model in which consumers with properly licensed products can seamlessly transfer an anti-copy song from his PMP to his MP3 clock radio.
Blackfin 's programmability also makes it suitable for another situation. Blackfin 's instruction set enables a wide variety of software encryption algorithms, which allows the same device to support multiple content protection formats. When an OEM can guarantee the security of a license, PMP can support DRM used by different digital music and video retailers . Fans of digital entertainment will be able to transfer legally downloaded music and movies between their consumer electronics devices.
Ensure business opportunities
OEMs can use the power of Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology to advance PMP and other products to the forefront of the security of consumer electronics devices. With a private key and Blackfin Lockbox Secure Technology 's secure processing model, OEMs can make their systems more secure than current systems that only partially protect their systems. From DRM to IP protection to e-commerce, social networking, and personal data, developers have the flexibility to apply more effective security measures to reduce the risk of being sued, while supporting the features and differences that delight consumers. Business model.
At the same time, Blackfin can achieve low power consumption, complete control and signal processing integration, peripheral integration, robust development environment and low bill of materials costs, which constitute a successful digital media device design. The required embedded processing suite.
Application programs are normally developed in the CPU`s RAM memory and executed from RAM memory. If additional program integrity is desired, or operation of the PLC without a battery is desired, an optional EEPROM or EPROM can be installed in a spare socket (labeled PROGRAM PROM) on the Model 311/313 backplane or in a socket on the model 331/341 CPU module. EEPROMs can be written to and read from. EPROMs can be read when installed in the PLC; however, they must be written to using an external PROM programming device. Following is the procedure for adding or changing the EEPROM or EPROM. For clarity, the term PROM is used to refer to either an EEPROM or an EPROM. 1. Remove power from the system. 2. If 311/313 Remove all modules, including the power supply. Remove the plastic cover. 3. If 331/341: Remove CPU from backplane. Remove front plate and bezel. Unsnap circuit board and remove from case. 4. If the socket is the type which has a screw near the top edge (some versions of 311/331), loosen screw at top of PROM socket (CCW twist;). 5. If present, remove old PROM from socket. Replace with or install new PROM. Orient the PROM so the end with a notch (the top of the prom) is toward the top edge of the backplane. Pin 1 of the prom is the first pin on the left as you move counter–clockwise from the notch. On the 311/331, correct installation orients the notch toward the screw.
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