Fire station police command and dispatch system (including LED strip screen) competitive...

Title: Fire-fighting police command and dispatch system (including LED strip screen) Competitive Negotiation Announcement Tender No.: MASCG-H200901 Announcement Date: March 20, 2009 Deadline: April 2, 2009 Tendering Agency: Maanshan City Public Security Fire Departure provinces and cities: Anhui Province - Ma'anshan... Content: Entrusted by the Public Security Fire Brigade of Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, the Maanshan Municipal Government Procurement Center organizes competitive negotiations on its fire-fighting police command and dispatch system, and welcomes qualified suppliers to participate.

I. Project Name: Fire Command and Dispatching System of the Fire Department of the Public Security Fire Brigade of Maanshan City, Anhui Province

2. Project No.: MASCG-H2009017

Third, the project content:

Package 1: 6 portable computers, 1 UPS power supply (10KV, 4 hours), 2 servers, 1 set of data backup equipment, 1 cabinet supply and installation

Package 2: 2 projection host and projection screen, 2 sets of fire acceptance seats and 2 sets of command dispatch seats (one machine and three screens), 1 display centralized control host, 1 set of LED strip screen, 10 sets of GPS terminal equipment, 18 sets Supply and installation of 29-inch flat screen TVs, etc.

Package 3: Supply and installation of 1 individual soldier transmitter (500MW-2W), 1 individual soldier receiver, 1 set of vehicle equipment, 1 batch of video transmission system accessories

Package 4: 1 set of fire-fighting service software, 1 set of heterogeneous network platform, 6 sets of fire alarm terminal supply and installation

Fourth, supplier qualification conditions:

1. Having the conditions stipulated in Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law

2. In order to ensure the consistency of the original procurement items and the requirements of service matching, it is easy to be connected and compatible. With the approval of the government procurement management department, package 4 uses single source procurement and invites Hangzhou Beihai Information Technology Co., Ltd. to participate in the negotiations.

3. Registered and obtained negotiation documents

5. Please bring the following information when you register:

1. Introduction letter of the registration unit

2. Copy of the business license

3. A copy of the tax registration certificate

4. A copy of the valid ID card of the representative of the registration unit

The above copy of the registration information is made of A4 paper, stamped with the official seal and bound into a booklet, and the registration information is not refundable.

6. The electronic version of the negotiation documents is available. Please register the representative to carry the U disk copy.

7. Provisions for relevant time and place:

1. Time for the issuance of negotiation documents: from now until March 27 (except public holidays), 8:00-11:30 am, 2:30-5:00 pm.

2. Time for receiving negotiation response documents: April 2, 2009, 8:00-8:30 am

3. Negotiation start time: April 2, 2009 at 8:30 am

4. Negotiation Venue: Evaluation Hall, 5th Floor, Finance Building, Maanshan City

5. Negotiation documents for sale and negotiation response documents Received at: Room 505, Finance Building

Eight, the price of the negotiation documents: 200 yuan / share, not refundable after the sale. Company Name: Maanshan City Government Procurement Center Contact: Cheng Gen, Li Wei Tel: 0555-2364186, 2364185 E-mail: Fax: Postal Code: 243011 Address: No. 3, Huayu Road, Maanshan City, Anhui Province, Maanshan City Financial Building 5 floor

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