Detection drone brings gospel

Detection drone brings gospel

New York State Electric Company (NYSEG) and Rochester Electric Company (RD&E) are evaluating how UAVs can be used to provide customers with a safe and reliable service experience. At the end of October, New York Electric and Rochester Electric began drone testing trials in counties such as Erie, Wyoming, Xiaotao, Catrogos, and Niagara in western New York. The trials are expected to be completed in the next few weeks.

The drone operators in the trial were from Coutts Brothers in Randolph, Maine. These operators have obtained the commercial drone's use rights granted by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States. The pilot drone was flying near the transformer of New York Electric Company and the maximum height of flight was about 300 feet.

Mark S. Lynch, President and CEO of New York Electric Company and Rochester Electric Company, said: "We checked the lightning rod above the transformer in this test. This action was unprecedented. Helicopters may not be suitable for such work. From Obviously, the effect of naked eyes on the ground is not enough. It seems that only drones can help us to complete this work."

Lynch added: “The results we have so far have been positive. Drones helped us to inspect these transformers more quickly and efficiently, providing security for our power transmission systems. Before users, we can find potential failures and resolve these potential issues in a timely manner."

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